Department Information


Japanese-Oriental (KAMPO) Medicine

Medical Services

photo:Assoc. Prof. HIRASAKI Yoshiro
Assoc. Prof. HIRASAKI Yoshiro

Our department is active in a wide variety of clinical activities.
Extensive outpatient activities are carried out by the department's faculty and fellows. Based on KAMPO diagnostics, we evaluate and manage all kinds of symptoms refractory to conventional (Western) medicine. Over 10,000 patients per year with a wide variety of conditions are seen in our outpatient clinic.
Inpatient admissions and consultations in the department number approximately 100 per year. The in-patient unit has 2 beds for patients whose clinical condition requires special observation. The residents are responsible for the daily care of in-patients and have the opportunity to learn patient management from the department's faculty and fellows.
Chiba has been one of the most historical places for learning KAMPO medicine in Japan and Chiba University School of Medicine has produced many distinguished KAMPO doctors with honorable reputations.

Target Diseases

Therapy based on KAMPO medicine was the main medical treatment in Japan until Western medicine was introduced from Europe several hundred years ago. All kinds of symptoms, therefore, can be targets of KAMPO medicine irrespective of conventional diagnosis.
KAMPO medicine is focused on the patient's condition as a whole rather than on the diagnostic name of a disease. This patient-centered approach allows KAMPO medicine to be applied in a disease state even when the etiology is unknown or when the patient's symptoms defy easy classification within Western medicine.


TEL: +81-043-222-7171